Thursday, January 15, 2009

hunting time

Peanut butter stretch and yawn. Saw one of them yawn and it was really cool! I covered their cloth back so as not to disturb their rest. Herby and Gerby had a hey day today. First I took everything out of their tank, leaving only a vast expanse of bare bedding. Then I took two rather big crickets and dumped them in. Watched them jump and hunt and strangle those crickets to death and watched them devour them slowly. They really loved it, even as the crickets struggled while being eaten!

Oh, and I planned to test herby and gerby. Hehheh who wants to be my gerbils? =P I placed a piece of cardboard under the food dish and piled bedding such that the cardboard carves out a burrow like hole visible from outside, and I plan to place two pieces of corn there and see if it goes missing (or if the food bowl is toppled). But perhaps tomorrow cos today they had their feast already.

Right now, they are digging and burrowing beneath the cardboard box in their tank. And their food bowl is being filled with the bedding being thrown out. Haha. But let them be happy =)

More updates on peanut butter to be expected!

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