Tuesday, January 20, 2009

sleepy gerbils

It's the day time, and apart from digging their entire tank up such that their food bowl is buried and the entire right side of the tank is devoid of bedding, they have been sleeping. Right.

Now I just introduced another toilet roll. They have destroyed 2 in about...6 days? Not bad huh. And I introduced another piece of toilet paper to fluff their nest more. Perhaps we should transfer their nest in its entirety. The websites say that will calm them down. As for the bedding, the websites suggest transferring the top layer but it would look weird in the new found soil, so I doubt we will do that.

Logistics to be settled:
1) water bottle: I just thought of letting the nozzle of the bottle stick through a hole in the cover. Tried it and the nozzle fits nicely, but we will need a stand on the outside to balance the bottle.
2) soil flying out when they burrow?
3) dirty gerbils?

Gosh, they had better enjoy the soil for all it's worth =)

And now, after they have investigated the hand which woke them up, they are back to sleep.

Oh, and I just fed them all grapes =)

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