Sunday, March 29, 2009

fatty update

Poor fatty, having such a name.

But, she's our first Syrian hamster. Syrians are a cool breed; they live best alone. The pet shop people kept two syrians together but they were only 5 weeks old. At the 6th week, they will have to be separated, so we did not feel very xin tong when separating Fatty from her black mottled sibling.

In fact, we bought Fatty just 5 minutes before the shop closed.

And boy, did she give us trouble. Not the same kind of trouble like a biting Cotton or a scrambling Cookie-Cream pair or a pair of robos who think they can fly. But a really bad stinky trouble.

Now she's stabilised though, after we stabilised her food (pellets, not the best, but what we bought for her so she has no choice but to eat it) and drink (probiotics water to rid her body of the smell. We use the same dose, I realise as cotton gets, but he's so much smaller! Wonder if we increasing the dose would help?)

And she does not stink as much. Latest update is that she stands up and responds to her name being called. Clever Fatty!

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