Wednesday, June 3, 2009

gerbil babies, gerbies?

Can we call gerbil babies 'GERBIES'? Gerby would be thoroughly confused.

Anyway, here are some cool shots of the babies:

Day 11

Today, the babies are supposed to be already zooming around the tank with their eyes closed. To get a nice shot of them lining up is not easy, and they don't understand english =(

To the left are the 5 babies on top of each other, all over. To the right are the same 5 babies, being good kids now. They are...lining up! =) well, except the light-coloured one...

Day 17

Today, the pups are supposed to start opening their eyes. If not, they will probably be able to see by day 20. Well, one upside of them not opening their eyes yet is that it's easier to catch them. They can't see the hand coming. Only thing is that they hop a lot. I mean, a lot. With their tails outstretched and all. Cool gerbies!

The curious pup peers over my hand. Yikes. I mean, she tries to peer. Eyes are still shut

She tries to bury her nose through my fingers, just like Herby and Gerby when they were younger.

Mr Dark Coloured stares into the darkness.

Don't fall over, pup!

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